it is, it must have
the listening secretsof falling rain.
here and there in the searing beam
that is like the twilight sound
coming over the hills,
beneath its canopy of poisoned air.
tongue even lies to itself
a saint dying upside down,in a land of shadow,
spread eagled on the soaking earth
that weeps light and rain.
surfs of the body
mating in the unopened crown of a Shasta daisyrolling away in the wind,
with the damn wonder of it.
Poems Used
Gwendolyn Brooks “To Black Women
Robert Creely “The Rain
Rita Dove “Variation on Pain
James Dickey “Deer Among Cattle”
Donald Justice “Men at Forty”
Galway Kinnell “Vapor trail Reflected in the Frog Pond”
Carolyn Kizer “The Gulf War”
Yusef Komunyaka “The tongue is”
Li-Young Lee “My Indigo”
Denise Levertov “Stele (I –IIc b.c.)”
John Logan “Spring of the Thief”
Maureen Seaton “
Robert Bly “Looking into space”
Robert Hass “from Drgaonflies Mating”
David Ignatow “The Bagel”